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Cooking:watch out for over-grilled food!

Aficionados of toast and extreme roast potatoes may be disappointed. The UK Food Safety Agency (FSA) has launched a
campaign highlighting the carcinogenic risks associated with this type of cooking. An initiative that comes after the publication of several studies on the subject.

Acrylamide, carcinogenic?

In an instructional video, the FSA explains that when foods high in starch content such as potatoes, grain products or bread are cooked at temperatures above 120°C, it produces acrylamide , a chemical substance recognized as carcinogenic in animals and suspected of being so in humans as well. In December 2015, a study by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) supported previous research by confirming that acrylamide potentially increases the risk of developing cancer for consumers of all age groups. age.

As a precautionary measure, the FSA therefore advises to check the cooking instructions on food packaging, to stop cooking the products when they have a golden color and not to store raw potatoes in the refrigerator, because this can increase acrylamide levels. Simple gestures for iron health!