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I behave badly!

Reading a book


Sitting on the sofa or lying in bed, we tilt the neck. This bad position causes pain in the neck in the long run. And the next day when you wake up, you can have a torticollis. If we persist, we even risk headaches, pain in the shoulders, elbows or wrists, or tingling in the hands.

How to cure it ?

You have to have your neck in line with your back. When lying down, place cushions under the lower back, neck and knees. One must be able to read while having the gaze perpendicular to the body. If you are sitting on the sofa, you put your feet flat on the ground and your knees at 90°. In a seated or lying position, place a cushion under your elbows to avoid having your arms in a vacuum.

By sending SMS


Concentrated on your keyboard, you lower your head and cross your legs, or even stretch them out in front of you. In addition, we let ourselves go, the buttocks resting on the edge of the chair and the rounded back half wedged on the backrest. This poor position can ultimately lead to pain in the neck, lower back and spine.

How to cure it ?

You sit in the back of the seat, your back firmly against the backrest. Rest your arms on the armrests or put a cushion under your elbows so that the phone screen is at eye level. Second possibility:we sit on the edge of the armchair. Feet flat on the ground, lean forward keeping your back straight and put your forearms on your legs. The neck and the back must remain in the same axis.

Watching TV


The deeper the couch, the sloucher. To be better, we even sometimes curl up, feet resting on the coffee table. Error ! We occasionally relax the muscles of the back, but as we often stay in this position for a long time, we end up attacking the joints, we have pain in the lower back or in the hips when we get up from a seat, or even in the knees if we short.

How to cure it ?

Feet flat on the ground, knees bent at 90°, back well wedged in the back of the sofa, gaze facing the TV with head straight and elbows at rest, one on the armrest and the other on a cushion, for example. Perfect, the grandmother's chair, the one with armrests and a slightly firm seat.