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Shock:the effects of a pack of 20 cigarettes on the lungs

Every year, advertising campaigns are launched to encourage the public to quit smoking. Other measures, such as raising the price of cigarettes and expanding the areas where smoking is prohibited are also part of the anti-smoking system. If despite everything, friends smokers, you have resisted this, perhaps this video (rather raw, we prefer to warn you) will convince you to give up this bad habit. The European space agency MEDspiration set out to show the direct effects of smoking on the body through an unequivocal experiment. And these are the consequences of a single pack of cigarettes.

A thick layer of tar

Medical students have placed lungs in a glass box with a duct to insert cigarettes, like a human mouth. The 20 cigarettes in a pack of menthol were then lit and “smoked” by the healthy lungs. When the trachea was cut in half, scientists found a thick layer of tar there. When it was time to observe the lungs, it was clear that they had lost their color. Impressive results, which refute the received idea according to which smoking becomes dangerous only after several years of consumption.

A cigarette =11 minutes less life

Some Internet users, however, pointed out that the 20 cigarettes were smoked in a row, and that the mechanism put in place did not exhale the smoke. Still, the numbers are clear:it is estimated that each cigarette smoked reduces lifespan by 11 minutes, and the gap between the life expectancy of a smoker and that of a non-smoker. is estimated at 6.5 years. And the effects following smoking cessation are just as telling:lung capacity improves by 10% during the first 9 months, and between 2 and 12 weeks, blood circulation is corrected. Not to mention the marked improvements in taste, smell, and fertility.

It's never too late to quit... So, let's get started?