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Why the scale can go away

Not convinced yet that you really don't need that scale? Then read on and discover why you can easily do without.

The scale affects our mood

As soon as we see the number on the scales, the tone is set. At a lower number than hoped, it feels like you're in control. If the number is higher than you hoped, you will feel bad or guilty and you may even give in to that binge; the day is already ruined. The truth is, your weight fluctuates for a variety of reasons. It is not at all surprising that one day you weigh more than the next.

Read also: Weigh yourself:you should pay attention to this

The scales don't tell you how you feel

Since when do we need a device to tell us how good we are, how strong we are, how healthy we are or how fit we are? This is all unrelated to this thing! A scale does not show how much muscle mass you have or how well your clothes fit.

Nothing happens when you put the scale away

You don't gain it and you don't fall off it. What can happen? You will start to trust your body more:what feels good, what doesn't feel good, can you sustain your training longer and are your pants looser or tighter?