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5 things you can do if you haven't exercised

Didn't exercise today, while you were planning to? That's no reason to give up your healthy lifestyle completely right away. These five tips will help you feel better.

1. Drink green tea

For those who missed it:green tea is super healthy. Green tea, among other things, relaxes the skin, helps with weight loss and helps against inflammation.

Read also: 'This is how you get your sports mojo back'

2. Make a to do list

Do you feel bad about not exercising? Make a to-do list for another area in your life and preferably take action right away.

3. Chew your food well

Who chews longer, eats less. Research has shown that by chewing well, you get 12 percent fewer calories. You also only feel full after 20 minutes, so it pays to eat slowly and consciously.

4. Take care of your skin

Take the time to exfoliate and moisturize your skin. Also give your hands and feet a treatment.

5. Go to bed on time

We all know how important a good night's sleep is. Yet it often falls short due to the busy evenings.