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Belly, buttocks, legs:why do you always end up in the same places?

Why do fat rolls always collect in the same places, such as stomach, buttocks and legs? And more importantly:how do you get rid of it?

A tummy

This hormone is out of balance

Cortisol, this hormone creates stress in your body.

Read also: 'A flat stomach when you're 30, 40, 50'

Include in your sports routine

Heavy strength training (in the morning). Do 5 x 4 exercises, such as lifting a kettlebell, per workout.

Good to eat

Protein and healthy fats, such as an omelet with avocado or salmon. Ginseng (from legumes, cocoa, seeds). Protein shake after every workout.

Try to avoid this

Alcohol, stress, sugar, exercising in the evening (you make extra cortisol) and sleeping less than 8 hours a night.

Love Handles

This hormone is out of balance

Insulin, this hormone regulates your sugar level

Include in your sports routine

Crossfit or slightly less strenuous strength training 12 to 15 reps per exercise, and repeat each exercise 5 times.

Good to eat

Cinnamon, fish oil, lots of vitamin E (from nuts, vegetables, quinoa), chromium (from vegetables). Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Try to avoid this

Sugar-rich food, alcohol and fast carbohydrates that your body quickly converts into fat (such as white flour) due to a sugar peak

Sturdy thighs and buttocks

This hormone is out of balance

Estrogens, these are your sex hormones

Include in your sports routine

Lift weights with a kettlebell, or dumbells that you can lift up to 6 times. 5 sets per workout.

Good to eat

Vegetables from the cruciferous families, such as cauliflower, radishes and Brussels sprouts. They help your body regulate estrogen better.

Try to avoid this

Legumes and soy products contain plant oestrogens.