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These are the best and worst pre-workout breakfasts

Do you prefer to exercise after breakfast, but are you still not sure what to eat before your workout? We have listed the best and worst pre-workout breakfasts for you, so that you can make the best choice before you start your workout.

The best

1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal contains slow carbohydrates, so you get enough energy for your workout and the rest of your day. In addition, the neutral taste of oatmeal ensures that you can decide for yourself which flavor palette you go for. Choose berries, bananas and nut butter for sweet or go for a savory version with egg and mushrooms – sounds crazy, but is quite tasty! In any case, make sure you combine carbohydrates with proteins for the best pre-workout breakfast.

Read also :'6 post-workout eating pitfalls you probably fall into'

2. Bananas

Not a big breakfast fan or don't want to eat too much before working out? Then choose a banana. It contains fast-burning carbohydrates that give you the energy you need for your workout. You can also easily take them with you, which makes them ideal as a pre-workout snack. Not only do they contain good carbohydrates, they are also full of vitamin B, which also boosts your energy level. So win-win!

3. Toasted bread

No, we don't mean a white sandwich. We are talking about multigrain bread, which contains more vitamins, minerals, fiber and proteins compared to white bread. As a result, the bread contributes to your daily required nutrients. Do you eat within an hour before exercising? Then it is better to opt for white bread, it contains more sugar, so that you get energy from it faster.

The worst

1. Sausages

Two breakfast sausages contain 8 grams of fat, 5 grams of carbohydrates and 8 grams of protein. Due to the high fat and low carbohydrate content, the sausages feel like a stone in your stomach rather than giving you the energy you need.

2. Bacon

Do take toast, but rather leave the bacon on the left. Like sausages, bacon is high in fat and can make you feel tired. You could even stab your side during your workout... Of course that's not the intention!

3. Croissants

As tasty as they are, it is better not to eat them before exercising. They contain 14 grams of fat and 31 grams of carbohydrates each, which is quite heavy on your stomach. In addition, they contain few other nutrients, so it is better to store them for when you have an extensive breakfast and don't start exercising afterwards.
