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Lockdown and red wine:4 health benefits you (maybe) don't know

Wine like all alcohols, we must take care to consume it in moderation, we will never repeat it enough, even more so in this period of confinement which can lead us to want to honor the aperitif daily to purge too much -full of tensions that assail us. In moderation, also and above all because it is the only way to truly enjoy its benefits. Yes, the beverage drunk in small doses has virtues on health and on the body... A brief overview.

It fights cardiovascular diseases

This includes things like coronary artery disease, which results from narrowing of the arteries in the heart, angina pectoris, heart attacks and strokes. The antioxidants naturally present in red wine could, according to American scientist Tammy Dugas, be used in coronary angioplasty, a technique that aims to widen clogged or narrowed arteries using a prosthesis called a “stent”. The expert plans to develop a new stent that would release two antioxidants contained in red wine, resveratrol and quercetin, capable of promoting healing, preventing blood clotting and reducing inflammation. In general, said resveratrol has a protective role:it blocks cholesterol outside the arterial wall and thus prevents it from accumulating fat which could clog the coronary artery and trigger myocardial infarction. A Danish study even suggests that the risk of overall mortality is reduced by 2 in red wine drinkers...

It clarifies the mind

Again, it's all about doses. A low consumption of wine would have the effect of helping the brain to get rid of all that clutters it. How? 'Or' What ? By reducing the level of inflammation and helping to eliminate toxins, including those associated with Alzheimer's disease. “Low doses of alcohol help improve overall brain health concludes the study published in the journal Scientific Reports .

It helps to lose weight

Especially before going to bed (1 glass is enough, eh, we insist), and it is thanks to one of its antioxidants already mentioned, resveratrol. It transforms so-called white fat into beige fat, the latter being much easier to eliminate than the former. A little tip:those who don't particularly like red wine can fall back on grape, strawberry or blueberry juices, which have similar fat-burning properties.

It keeps the skin young

Once again, we can say thank you to resveratrol. A Japanese thalasso center was inspired by the ritual of Cleopatra who took baths in red wine. Red wine has anti-aging properties thanks to its precious antioxidant which stimulates cell proteins called sirtuins. This action makes it possible to prolong the life of the cells in the body and therefore to keep it young.

You know everything ! So these are good reasons to take it easy on the bottle in the future…