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Menstrual cycle:where does bleeding on the pill come from?

A little reminder shot is necessary (and will not hurt). To know why we talk about false rules , it is better to agree on what the real rules are . It is therefore the cycle during which an ovum detaches from the ovaries to go to one of the two fallopian tubes. At the same time, the endometrium thickens to accommodate a possible fertilized egg. This is when you have to draw the test of pregnancy. On the other hand, if the egg is not fertilized, the wall of the uterus will detach from the egg. Our body then evacuates the endometrium and the blood appears. This process occurs approximately every 28days (on average) until menopause.

The "real" periods and the pill

In 1956, the pill is invented. Today, it is the means of contraception the most used. 36.5% of women aged 15 to 49 took the pill in 2016 (barometer of Public Health France ). In 2018, 32% took it (Statista ). There are different types of pill and therefore different reactions from the body. The oestrogen-progestogen pill which contains a combination of estrogen and progesterone is taken for 21 days . During the remaining 7 days, you have two options:swallow a placebo pill or take nothing. In any case, this is when the "false rules" trigger.

The progestogen pill is the one that allows you to have no more bleeding at all. It is taken continuously (therefore without stopping and without a placebo tablet). Each pad contains 28 active tablets. It is generally prescribed for women who do not tolerate estrogen well or who smoke or breastfeed.

Periods on the pill:withdrawal bleeding

“On the estrogen-progestogen pill, the endometrium will thicken less, it will remain very thin. The bleeding are more of a withdrawal bleed than a period” , explains gynecologist Bénédicte Constantino in Slate columns . These bleeds actually occur when the rate of hormones (estrogen and progesterone) from your drop pill . This is when you stop the pill. Regarding ovulation , it also does not exist when you are on the pill. This is its main action. to avoid pregnancy. In short:the periods on the pill cannot be identical to classic rules since they do not result from a thickening of the endometrium.

We have often heard that it is very important to have your period or that taking the active pill continuously could be dangerous for your health."No study has defined a maximum number of cycles of pads birth control pills". according to Pr André Nazac , head of clinic and head of the gynecology sector at CHU Brugmann. Regarding the importance to have your rules , it would seem that it is also a legend. If it reassures us to have them to certify that there is no pregnancy, the rules are not necessary to certify our good health. “When the pills have been developed, the mindsets weren't "prepared" for women not to have their period every month, but there's no health need to have bleeding on the pill explains Bénédicte Costantino , always in the columns of Slate .

In any case, it is important to find out about the method of contraception you want to use because they do not necessarily all correspond to your needs and your body.