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Beans:an appetite suppressant as powerful as meat

A study published in the Journal of Food Science debunks the idea that meat is the most satiating food. Indeed, good news for vegetarians, a meal made up of beans (legumes rich in vegetable protein), would provide, according to the researchers, a satiation similar to that of a beef dish (composed of animal protein).

For this test, 28 people participated in the experiment, which lasted 2 days. Some ate cakes made from beef, others cakes made from beans. Both dishes had the same weight and contained the same amount of fat and calories. The difference was in protein and fiber. The beef version had 26 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber, while the bean cake had 17 grams of protein and 12 g of fiber.

Results ? The participants, in both cases, were satiated in the same way 3 hours after the meal. Conclusion of the study:"high-fiber vegetable protein can provide appetite regulation similar to animal protein ". And for more inspiration on foods that stall, read our article 10 satiating (and low-calorie) foods.