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Health:is dental floss really effective?

The French Union for Oral Health (UFSBD) and many dentists recommend flossing after evening brushing, even though in France only 11% of the population admits to using it. American journalists from the Associated Press wanted to know more about the basis of this recommendation. They looked at 25 studies comparing the effects of two uses:brushing teeth alone and the toothbrush-floss duo.

No credible evidence proving its effectiveness

Results ? Reviewing the studies of the last ten years on the subject, the journalists realized that all came to the same conclusion:the effectiveness of dental floss is weak, even very uncertain. A 2015 study even points to the lack of effectiveness of this practice, while the only one that ensures that dental floss can reduce gum inflammation, published in 2011, has been strongly criticized by specialists on the subject. Which leaves you a bit dubious…

Studies need to be more targeted

But we can say that this conclusion is rather hasty because it is mainly due to the fact that the studies have not been carried out on a large enough number of people or over a long enough period (dental diseases develop over several years, etc.). Associated Press interviewed the president of the American Academy of Periodontology to explain this finding. Thus, Wayne Aldredge certainly recognizes a lack of reliable scientific evidence, but he continues to recommend the dental tool to fight against gum disease. According to him, the beneficial impact would also be easier to demonstrate in people at risk of gum disease, smokers and diabetics.

In any case, while waiting for science to take stock of dental floss, we remind you that for proper oral hygiene, you must brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes. And on that, the experts are unanimous!