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Nesting or the art of doing nothing

If we told you that staying at home doing nothing is finally in fashion? Hard to believe it? And yet it is indeed the case and it has a name; the "nesting" which means to make a nest. Close to this Danish art of living called Hygge, this practice highlighted by the Spanish daily El Pais is causing a stir. You are probably wondering what it consists of? We are coming!

Netflix and chill as they say

Our society being more and more stressed, in a hurry and concerned about the gaze of others, nesting is asserting itself as an anti-stress. Staying at home is more fashionable than going out. It is about creating cohesion with our interior and disconnecting from the outside world for a moment. Are you afraid of getting bored? No risk, we always find things to do at home! How about an ambient light, a background of Zen music and a few scented candles, added to that a good bubble bath. See you there already! Another option; Cozy nest + Netflix =pure happiness. The most dynamic why not start gardening or the bravest among us DIY. You may not know it, but the decoration of your interior plays an important role. If you have to stay locked up at home or do things well, choose a small bright corner, with luxurious and cozy aspects.

Is it all good for you? So; On your marks ! Ready ! Chill