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Finally choose to be well!

Laboratoire Léro, unique expertise at the service of healthy values
For more than 30 years, this laboratory has forged its know-how in the design of targeted food supplements. A relevant choice which consists in considering health as a whole, thus focusing on physical, mental and relational well-being. Specialist in integral health, food supplements, the heart of the Léro offer, are associated with a whole host of precious tools to help you take charge of yourself. Services, training or even tutorials to feel good on a daily basis, the offer is complete and helps you to solve all the inconveniences of everyday life of any order whatsoever. The brand slogan #jechoisisdetrebien bears witness to this.

We were also won over by the values ​​held by Laboratoire Léro. Indeed, they perfectly illustrate the healthy and positive commitment of its approach. Proof of this is the point of honor placed on respect for the natural balance of the body and nature more generally or on the scientific integrity and quality in terms of the safety of the products offered. Benevolence, proximity and simplicity are also the key words, Laboratoire Léro strives to combine a state of mind with the know-how of micro-nutrition and to offer effective and practical solutions to implement and accessible to all. .

A complete range of food supplements:for each problem, its solution!
The principle is simple:to offer food supplements targeted on a problem and which respond to all your daily ailments:sleep, lack of energy, menopause, vitality, pregnancy, skin care and many more.

And since stress, anxiety and sleep disorders are the evils of the 21st century, we have unearthed an effective solution for you:Lero DNV. This food supplement based on magnesium, vitamin B6, zinc, melatonin, lemon balm, vitamin E and omega-3 EPA and DHA is the perfect solution to regain calm, serenity and quality sleep.

Supported by a study which testifies to its effectiveness, Lero DNV contributes to the increase in the level of cerebral serotonin and plays favorably on the neurotransmitters which contribute to well-being. Even the most skeptical were convinced, like Julie who shares her experience with us:“I was perceptive because I had already tried natural supplements that everyone knows and it didn't bother me. These supplements are effective on me, 30 minutes after taking, I feel relaxed and I fall asleep without worries. I am glad !!

The effectiveness of Omega-3 is no longer to be proven and it is clear that Omega-3 Lero, from an eco-responsible wild fish fishery in Brittany, are among the best on the market. They also meet all European health and safety standards.

In terms of sleep, its effectiveness leaves you speechless, as Cathy testifies, who has finally found serenity in her life:great effect and I woke up still so tired, I had to test Lero. It took a while and after a box finished, I started to fall asleep without stress and my alarm clock was perfect, I got back to a normal life! ”

Finally a range of food supplements designed for women
Because there are issues related exclusively to femininity and women's well-being, there are also solutions specifically designed for you.

When it comes to pregnancy and breastfeeding, a product we love is Lero NATALIENCE, designed to meet the specific needs of women throughout their pregnancy, thanks to a balanced combination of micronutrients necessary for the well-being of the pregnant woman and the development of the fetus and newborn. This food supplement based on DHA (omega-3 fatty acid provided by wild fish oil concentrated at 60%), folic acid (vitamin B9), vitamin B8, iodine, vitamin B1, iron and vitamin B12 is the number 1 ally of pregnant women.

When it comes to beauty, Laboratoire Léro is not to be outdone. Indeed, we have unearthed two products to test absolutely.

For hair and nails, we strongly recommend that you use Léro PHANÈRES, based on evening primrose oil, very rich in omega-6, vitamin E, B6 and cystine, this is the best combination. for your fine, dull, limp, devitalized hair or for your brittle or ridged nails. Acting when the hair regrows when it points the tip of its nose, this product nourishes the hair bulb and restores radiance, shine and volume to your hair as well as strength and vitality to your nails.

And for those who know the hell of skin problems whether dull, tight, dry or tired, you will love Léro DERM. Rich in omega-6, omega-3 and grape seed extracts, this product is ideal for sublimating your skin and preventing it from being attacked by daily attacks.

All these products are available exclusively in pharmacies, so you know what you have to do to feel good!

Good plan:Laboratoire Léro offers a great loyalty program. For 5 products purchased, the 6th is offered, whatever its price. A good way to test new products for free and put the odds on your side for the greatest pleasure of your body and mind.