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Pilates:a gentle gym method by working on posture and breathing

Pilates:a gentle gym method by working on posture and breathing

Pilates is a physical training method that aims to develop the body in a harmonious way, to correct bad postures, to restore physical vitality and to stimulate the mind. It is inspired by yoga, dance and gymnastics .

The Pilates method is based on six basic principles :concentration, control, center of gravity, breathing, fluidity and precision. Pilates, which allows you to work the muscles of the body gently and without forcing, is a physical activity quite well suited to the elderly.

Work on posture to build muscle strength and flexibility

The main objective of the Pilates method is to improve posture by helping the body regain its balance. With a sedentary lifestyle, seniors are working less and less, in particular the muscles located around the spine and the pelvic region. Pilates exercises make it possible to put the pelvis back in a good position, to align the limbs and to restore a balance of the forces which are exerted between the front and the back of the body. As a result, muscle strength is activated, back pain disappears and daily movements are performed with less effort and more flexibility.

Maintain good cardio-respiratory capacities

Due to the lack of physical activity, the respiratory muscles of sedentary elderly people lose their strength and elasticity. The decrease in respiratory capacity leads to rapid shortness of breath on exertion and limits movement and, ultimately, can lead to dependence in seniors. One of the basic principles of the Pilates method is breathing:it allows, among other things, to increase lung capacity and maintain good cardio-respiratory faculties.

Strengthen bone density

Practicing the Pilates method regularly allows the muscles to work in ideal conditions and to fully play their role in relation to the bones. The most common bone problems in seniors, such as those affecting the hip, can be avoided by practicing Pilates, which makes the hip joint more flexible and strengthens the muscles that protect it, thus reducing the risk of neck fracture. femur. In the same way, Pilates is a good way to fight against osteoporosis.

Concentration to control movements

The movements of Pilates are slow and precise and require concentration to connect the body and the mind, a source of well-being, and to learn to control one's movements. This method is a very good way to clear your mind, relax and reduce stress and anxiety. Concentration also has the advantage for seniors of mobilizing the brain to better focus on a movement, on a present moment, and adopt good habits of attention to stop the aging of mental capacities.