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Anti-gym and sensory gym:doing sports without moving is possible!

It's not easy every day to motivate yourself to go play sports. And it's all the more complicated that there are so many things preventing us from putting on our running pairs:winter, TV and above all... being lazy! However, we know that in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is essential to practice a regular sporting activity. Thanks to anti-gymnastics and sensory gymnastics, we have found the perfect consensus for exercising (almost) effortlessly. Shall we get started?

1/ Anti-gymnastics

Kezako anti-gymnastics? This is the ultimate anti-stress activity! Combining zenitude and sport, anti-gymnastics is aptly named since it is the opposite of traditional gymnastic exercises. No beam, no acrobatics, during an anti-gymnastics class we try to work the muscles in depth but by focusing on one and only part of the body at a time. It is indeed an activity aimed at re-educating our body through (very) small, extremely precise movements. And the solution to a malaise is not always where we think; for example to tone the shoulder the anti-gymnastics will rather solicit the toes and the tongue! The goal ? Strengthen and know your body and free yourself from muscle tension and pain.

2/ Sensory gymnastics

It is a practice that simply praises slowness! Activity very close to relaxation, sensory gymnastics has nothing to do with a fitness class (it is the case to say it!) since all movement is carried out extremely slowly. Looking to tone your thighs? Well, in sensory gymnastics class, it will be a question of raising your leg very slowly... in a way... to... stimulate (okay, let's stop!) the adductor muscle. And after about ten sessions, we can already observe the beginnings of muscle strengthening on the inner thigh area! This surprising activity is excellent for your health and requires as much energy and concentration as a fitness session. Indeed, the muscles solicited are really worked since we perform very precise and coordinated movements.

So, are you convinced?