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Top 10 of the most beautiful islands to visit at least once in your life

Top 10 of the most beautiful islands to visit at least once in your life

Paradise islands are always a dream vacation destination. We imagine turquoise water at 28° bordered by a white sand beach and coconut palms as far as the eye can see. What if instead of imagining, you go there! Some are only a few hours by plane from Paris and others, further away, are also worth the trip, especially when they have the reputation of being ranked among the 10 most beautiful in the world. So here are some suggestions to give you ideas.

1 - Bora Bora

Bora Bora is an island located in French Polynesia. It is also called Mai te Pora which means “created by the gods”, in other words, a whole program. Arriving there, you will discover a lagoon whose blue goes from the clearest to the ultramarine merging with the sky. On its edges, you will see small huts on stilts and can even stay in one above the water to dive directly into the sea when you wake up. This destination is ideal for scuba diving as there are varieties of multicolored fish. You can still enjoy the beach, indulge in idleness. The best time to travel to Bora Bora is between July and October. Think the time difference is 12 Hours.

2 - Phuket

The island of Phuket is in Asia. It is located more exactly in the Andaman Sea belongs to Thailand. Covered with forests on its mountains, Phuket is heavenly for its white sand beaches on its western coast, the beauty of which is breathtaking. Going on vacation in Phuket, you will also be amazed by the budget you need, because life is very inexpensive there. If you are passionate about history, you can discover superb temples on the island. Water sports are not lacking, as it is also a mecca for surfing.

3 - Hawaii

North Pacific side, you will find the island of Hawaii which is also a state of the USA. This archipelago is one of the best known in the world for its beauty, its surf spots and its extraordinary beaches. The capital of Hawaii is the city of Honolulu. 137 islands make up the archipelago. Some famous cities are also known on the planet for their beauty such as Maui, Oahu or Niihau. Indulge in water sports and mountain trekking in this wonderful island where nothing is missing to remind you of paradise on earth.

4 - The Seychelles

In the heart of the Indian Ocean are the Seychelles Islands. Their name alone evokes the turquoise sea, the sun, the white sand and the coconut palms. The Seychelles are 115 islands, the main one being Mahé. Arriving there, you will certainly be accommodated in a small house on stilts overlooking the clear and warm sea, inspiring you to take a bath very quickly. Feast your eyes on so much beauty as well as your taste buds by tasting fish and many local exotic fruits. The rest of the time, you can go fishing by boat or underwater according to your wishes, or indulge in your favorite water sport.

5 - Tahiti

The jewel of Polynesia is the island of Tahiti. With its blue and emerald green lagoons, its tropical forests with many flowers and intoxicating scents, Tahiti welcomes you with open arms. Whether it's the island, the atmosphere or the local population, here, everything is done to make you feel good. On site, you can indulge in water sports, practice diving or surfing, but also go hiking to discover wonderful mountain landscapes and superb waterfalls. You will be spoiled for choice. If you can, try to stay in a faré, a small house typical of the area. Treat yourself to fish and Tahitian dishes made with coconut, it's delicious. The time difference with mainland France is 12 hours and the best time to get there is between April and October.

6 - The Galapagos

If you love wild nature, out-of-this-world and exotic wildlife, and stunning scenery, then take a trip to the Galapagos Islands. They are found in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Ecuador. On site, you will evolve on land between banana trees and carnivorous plants, under coconut trees to admire giant turtles, sea lions or even penguins. The Galapagos have not finished surprising you. Of course, you can also swim and live in a small local house or take a hotel room, on the beach. The time difference with France is 8 hours and the best season to go there is between January and May.

7 - Easter Island

Easter Island has always fascinated by the mysteries it conceals. Its landscapes are breathtaking and it still knows how to keep its secrets with the Moais, giant stone statues looking up to the sky. Easter Island is in the Pacific Ocean. You can reach it by plane from Chile. There is a 7 hour time difference with France and the best time to go there is between December and March.

8 - Reunion

Even if Reunion Island is a French department, the fact remains that it is one of the most beautiful islands in the world located in the Indian Ocean. On site, you can walk in the mountains to see volcanoes, tropical forests, superb wild waterfalls, but also superb sandy beaches, a lagoon and its coral reef or an ocean with beautiful waves for surfing. . The time difference with mainland France is 2 in summer or 3 hours in winter. The best time to go there is between December and April.

9 - Santorini

We cannot talk about the ten most beautiful islands in the world without mentioning that of Santorini which is the most famous of the Greek islands in the Cyclades for its white houses with blue roofs of the same color as the sea. sailing, diving, visiting the island and those surrounding it, learning about the culture and traditions, tasting a gastronomy that no longer has to prove itself and attending evenings where sirtaki and ouzo go well together. The best time to travel to Santorini is between April and October.

10 - Barbados

Located in the Caribbean, the island of Barbados has long been a trading post for slavery and sugar cane. Today, this island still benefits from the British atmosphere. The gardens are tropical, the lush landscapes and the white sand beaches with the clear and turquoise sea make it a dream setting for future holidays. Everything inspires discovery, but also idleness and water sports. The time difference is 6 hours with France and the best time to go there is between December and April.

There are other paradises on earth among the thousands of islands in the seas and oceans. Some are inhabited and others, extremely wild or even almost unexplored. It's up to you to see what your desires are in this area and don't forget that a top 10 is very difficult to choose and is always very subjective.