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Are retirees entitled to holiday vouchers? What conditions? Who issues them?

Are retirees entitled to holiday vouchers? What conditions? Who issues them?

You are retired from the private or public sector. You live in France and do not exceed a certain income. So did you know that you may be entitled to holiday vouchers? Here is what we can tell you on the subject so that you can go away longer or more often by reducing your budget thanks to holiday vouchers.

Definition of holiday voucher

The holiday voucher makes it possible to finance certain activities during holidays or certain stays. It is considered a means of payment by many companies adhering to it. Thus, thanks to holiday vouchers, people can pay for their train ticket, for example, a stay at a hotel or camping, but also a visit to a monument or a meal in a restaurant. This social system exists both in the private sector and in the public service. It can be set up in those companies that request it, but is never an obligation. The holiday voucher is a denomination in a checkbook that can range from €10 to €50. It can also be dematerialized from €20. It still exists in the form of a sports coupon, but in this case, it can only be used in the exercise of a sports practice.

Retirees from the public sector benefiting from holiday vouchers

In the public sector, retirees are entitled to ANCV holiday vouchers. In this case, they can benefit from it under certain conditions:

  • Being a state civil servant
  • Being retired from a local authority, from the public hospital service
  • Being a state worker or retired soldier
  • Not having earned income
  • Do not exceed a resource cap
  • Being taxed on income in France

These retirees must put a monthly savings which will be defined by the state according to their resources. The State participates in financing up to 10% to 35% of the savings made for 4 to 12 months. To find out the resource ceilings, beneficiaries should contact their personnel department or affiliated local authorities. There is also an official table of the conditions of resources on the Internet on this subject according to the personal situation of each person. Financial participation can also be granted by pension funds, always subject to means testing.

Validity of holiday vouchers and use

In addition to their year of issue, holiday vouchers are valid for two full years. If they have not been used during this period, the holder can request an exchange. To use holiday vouchers, the process is very simple:just give them directly to the service provider or send them by registered mail if the purchase is made online. It is possible to pay for a service with several checks up to the amount. If the amount of holiday vouchers exceeds the balance, then the service provider is not required to give change. It is still possible to pay part of the service with holiday vouchers and the rest with any other means of payment such as cash, bank transfer, bank card, etc.

Holiday vouchers for private sector retirees

ANCV holiday vouchers are also granted to retirees from the private sector over the age of 60 or 55 if they are disabled, if they are retired or no longer have a professional activity, if they reside in France and are subject to income tax in France while not exceeding a certain income ceiling. PACS or married spouses are also entitled to participate in the program.

The price of senior holiday stays and financial assistance

For a stay of 7 nights, the price of the stay is €410 or €343 for 4 nights. If retirees are not taxable, then the aid can reach 50% of the price of the stay within the limit of €160 for 7 nights and €135 for 4 nights. This right extends to family caregivers and professionals accompanying a disabled senior or a senior with a loss of autonomy. If the same senior is accompanied by a child under 18, then the accompanying person who needs to stay in the same room is entitled to €242 for 7 nights or €201 for 4 nights.

How to benefit from seniors on vacation?

First of all, to benefit from seniors on vacation, it is necessary to register with the ANCV and complete the online membership form. Then you have to:

  • Attach a copy of a valid identity document
  • A copy of the entire last non-tax notice
  • A copy of the disability card if this is the case or of the AAH, etc.

Once the ANCV makes the person eligible for financial aid, the beneficiary can then choose their stay from the catalog or book directly online. A confirmation letter is then sent by the ANCV one week before departure with a voucher.

Other holiday aid for retirees

Apart from ANCV holiday vouchers, there are other aids so that retirees can go on holiday. Thus, we find:

  • The SNCF advantage card for seniors over 60
  • The Air France senior card
  • Aid from the various pension funds
  • IRCANTEC holiday assistance
  • CNRACL holiday assistance
  • Holiday aid from local authorities for retirees

They do not necessarily generate holiday vouchers, but offer great discounts on travel and various holidays. Each retiree affiliated with one of the organizations mentioned can obtain information from the department in charge of these services.