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Sport on prescription:who is entitled to it?

Sport on prescription:who is entitled to it?

On a prescription, a doctor can prescribe medication, analyzes or examinations. Since the law to modernize our health system, adopted in 2016, a doctor can prescribe a sporting activity to patients. Prescription sport is not for all patients. Who is concerned ? How is the treatment going? Here's everything you need to know about it.

Why can sport be prescribed by a doctor?

The benefits of sport and physical activity are recognized. If you want to be healthy, you have to get active. Ideally, you should take 10,000 steps a day, but after age 60, 4,400 steps are enough to avoid a sedentary lifestyle and the associated risks. At the same time, it is necessary to plan 2 to 3 sessions of physical activity adapted to your condition. Among the recommended activities, there is swimming, gentle gymnastics, stretching, cycling, hiking... In general, any activity you can practice is beneficial.

Playing sports, when you suffer from a pathology, allows:

  • Improve their state of health,
  • Improve morale,
  • To limit the aggravation of the pathology,
  • Reduce the risk of recurrence,
  • To maximize the effectiveness of a treatment.

Because sport has undeniable health benefits, it can be prescribed. This is what is now called sport on prescription.

Who can prescribe a physical activity?

It is the general practitioners who can prescribe the sport on prescription. This practice has been authorized since March 1, 2017. It should be noted that this physical activity cannot be prescribed without the practitioner ensuring that his patient can actually play sports without danger.

Before the prescription, the doctor carries out a medical examination. Sometimes, he asks his patient to do additional tests such as a blood test, a stress test or an imaging test. The contraindications are specified to the patients. For example, it is sometimes forbidden to make jumps or lift excessive weights. In addition to prescribing sports on prescription, general practitioners help their patients to practice physical activity without putting themselves in danger!

Sport on prescription:who is it for?

Sports on prescription is an innovative device but it is not open to all patients. Only people suffering from a long-term condition, or ALD, a serious illness or a chronic illness are concerned. Why ? Quite simply because these pathologies require long, difficult to bear and expensive care.

Among the pathologies eligible for sports on prescription, we find:

  • type 1 and 2 diabetes,
  • Alzheimer's disease,
  • Parkinson's disease,
  • cystic fibrosis,
  • cerebrovascular accidents (CVA),
  • depression,
  • bipolar disorder,
  • Crohn's disease,
  • heart disease,
  • liver diseases,
  • multiple sclerosis,
  • tuberculosis,
  • cancer…

This list is not exhaustive. Know that your doctor will be able to inform you about your pathology and your eligibility. Be aware that a practitioner will only prescribe a physical activity if the sport is really beneficial for his patient. Sometimes the latter is too weak or too fragile.

Sport on prescription:what are the terms and conditions?

To prescribe sport to the patients he follows, a doctor must respect a few rules. Here are the terms and conditions in effect since the law to modernize our health system. The practitioner must:

  • Prescribe a sport using a specific form,
  • Prescribe a sport or physical activity adapted to the pathology from which the patient suffers,
  • Prescribe a sport or physical activity adapted to the patient's physical abilities,
  • Consider the possible medical risk.

Most often, the sports prescribed are endurance sports without particular difficulty such as walking, cycling, swimming, gentle gymnastics, etc. The objective is to strengthen the body so that it can better fight the disease. .

What is the validity of the prescription?

The prescription of a sport or physical activity is most often made for a period of 6 months. Depending on the severity of the pathology and the patient's state of health, the validity period of the prescription can be up to one year. The practitioner ensures the follow-up of his patient and can at any time request the cessation of this physical activity.

Who to contact to practice a physical activity?

The practice of sport on prescription is not done freely. Patients must be supervised by professionals who will ensure their well-being. Among these professionals, there are:

  • physiotherapist masseurs,
  • occupational therapists,
  • psychomotor therapists,
  • paramedical health professionals,
  • teachers of physical activity and sports,
  • qualified sports educators.

Attention ! Sport on prescription is not covered by health insurance. Only mutuals and health insurance can reimburse the sessions. Most often, an annual plan is offered. Depending on the cover taken out, this amount is higher or lower.

Many municipalities, associations and communities offer physical activity sessions supervised by a professional for seniors and people suffering from a pathology.

Move without putting yourself in danger

The objective of sports on prescription is to allow sick and fragile people to move without putting themselves in danger. In addition to healing faster and feeling better, physical activity can reduce the risk of addiction.

In addition to sport, several alternatives exist to stay active. The simple act of taking care of your home is an exercise! When you vacuum, do the dust or the windows, you spend. If you have a garden, know that maintaining it is really beneficial. If you don't have an outdoor space, you can take part in gardening workshops in your municipality.

For shopping, instead of going to a supermarket once a week, favor local purchases. Greengrocer, butcher, baker, fishmonger, if you have traders near you, you can walk there. The market is also a good idea to go out. The principle is the same if you have to go to the doctor, the pharmacy, the post office or even the stationery. Walk instead of driving!

Sport on prescription:mistakes to avoid

If you wish to benefit from the sports device on prescription, you must first speak with your doctor to ensure your eligibility. Then, it is highly recommended to contact your mutual insurance company or your health insurance to find out the amount covered. In large cities, mutuals can organize sports sessions for their policyholders. They are free! Performing these checks before committing can often reduce the costs associated with practicing a sport.

During the sessions, avoid going beyond your possibilities. The goal is to ensure your well-being and not to hurt you. If you are tired or in pain, talk to your doctor but also to the professional supervising the sports session.

Even if the intensity of the sessions is low, it is important to stretch before and after. This reflex reduces aches. It is also necessary to hydrate well before, during and after the session. Finally, make sure you have the right outfit and equipment.