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The top Zen activities to do by the sea

Need rest and maximum serenity? Are you counting the days that separate you from your next vacation to take care of your body and mind? Here are 5 ultra zen activities that it is possible to do by the sea to wait a little longer and allow you to escape mentally and above all, relax!

Admiring a sunset

The only thing you have to do is choose the perfect place to take your eyes off ! For the rest, it will suffice either to go there and keep your eyes wide open, or to prepare this beginning of the evening a minimum by organizing a small aperitif or even an outdoor meal.

For this, you will need to equip yourself with a picnic tablecloth or small mattresses if you want to settle on the sand or at the top of a cliff for better comfort.

Places to see a magnificent sunset are very numerous in France, we can give you examples:the cliff of Aval in Étretat , the Old Port of Marseille from the Pharo or the Sanguinaires Islands in Corsica which, at nightfall, have the rock that turns red...

Romanticism for some, optimal tranquility for others!

Book a Thalasso cure

A vacation before the vacation, who says better? The best of zen is to get back into shape ! You can book a short thalasso or spa stay in Biarritz in the heart of the Basque country in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques.

Tourist seaside resort very popular for practicing among other things thalassotherapy , you will be exposed to the sea and iodized air of the Atlantic Ocean and will quickly feel soothed by it.

New to the field? Know that thalassotherapy allows under medical supervision to benefit from the many benefits of a judicious combination of treatments in the marine environment, whether curative or preventive.

The Thalasso centers are therefore all located by the sea and it is the combination of several elements (water, climate, mud, seaweed, sand, etc.) that plays an essential role in the feeling of relaxation and body balance .

Learn to sail

The call of the sea, the sea air, the lapping of the water... Sailing will be a source of freedom, total escape and of course, well-being.

For beginners, an introduction to sailing is perfectly possible on a weekend by the sea; in La Rochelle, near Quimper or Granville for example; to learn the basics of this sport and quickly improve your skills.

With the help of an instructor, you will discover the joys of sailing by learning different maneuvers and the basics of navigation to train you to take the controls of a sailboat .

Take a hike

There are many walks near the sea, but in this case we will rather speak of walking along the waterfront ! Walking is a great way to maintain your body, your breathing and to experience immense zenitude.

If you are in Provence, venture on the famous Sentier du Littoral which extends over nearly 190 km. Choose the most suitable route for your physical condition and set off to discover the most beautiful beaches on the coast ! We still recommend the prettiest of the walks which brings together the three capes and which extends over 10 km:Cap Lardier, Cap Taillat and Cap Camarat .

Yoga session on the sand

Finally, if you are looking for an activity that will relieve you of all the stress of everyday life, yoga is ideal!

If you are not a regular and want to be initiated, some lessons with teachers are given almost with your feet in the water , on the sand and provide a lot of well-being when the only backdrop is the horizon.

An original and assured way to become one with the nature that surrounds you and find yourself with yourself. Your body will learn to relax, release pressure .

One certainty:you will feel much better right away!

And you, what is your favorite Zen activity during your stays at the edge of the big blue, the one that allows you to "let go"? ?