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Celebrate your successes!

Marije:I always teach the following to people who come to me with motivational problems:Focus on instant results &celebrate your successes!

Yes really. You have to set goals, but celebrating successes is just as important! By instant results I mean focusing on the feeling each healthy action gives you, rather than the end result.

How does it work?
Start setting daily goals, for example:

1. Today I'm going to exercise
2. Making a healthy lunch
3. Now really prepare that one presentation

Then write down what you want to have achieved by the end of the week, for example:

1. Done administration and complete all my tasks
2. Do not drink alcohol
3. Exercise three times

Affordable Goals
You can decide for yourself how many goals you set, as long as it is achievable. And only set goals that you can influence. So two kilos lighter is not convenient, because you cannot control your weight loss, but you can control the number of times you exercise and do not snack.

Evaluate your goals at a fixed time every week, for example on Friday afternoon. Do this together with something tasty or fun, such as a VriMiBo. Your reward! Tip:do it together with a friend and toast every week to your successes. I always do this and it ensures that I am one step closer to my dreams every week.

Step closer to your goals
Really, believe me. This is the best, but also the most fun way to stay motivated and not forgetting to be successful, whatever you want to achieve! More inspiration? Also read my blog:a goal without action is just a dream.

Useful tool
Download the Fitness Bible Slot Contract for free. The schedule from the book in which you promise yourself to achieve goals and celebrate successes.

Good luck!


Celebrate your successes!

Marije de Vries (1981) is an entrepreneur and works as a trainer and coach within the fitness industry and the business community. With a change program she developed, she helps thousands of men, women and employees make the transition to an ideal lifestyle every year. Every week she writes a blog for Santé.

Marije's book Fitness Bible for women is now available to order. Also look at

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