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6 traits of people who are (almost) always happy

We can learn something from these positive qualities.

1. They laugh and smile a lot, even when they don't feel happy Your brain is easy to fool. As soon as they receive signals that you are smiling, you will automatically feel better.

2. They have a positive attitude
The glass is half full.

3. They think in possibilities
Even with negative experiences, they try to think in possibilities. How can a negative experience lead to something positive?

4. They accept feelings
An important step in dealing with emotions is to accept emotions. Not only when you are happy, anger, disappointment and sadness may also be there. Emotions are not suppressed, so that they can be processed faster.

5. They are outgoing, spontaneous and cordial The brains of extroverts exhibit relatively high activity in the left hemisphere of the brain, which causes them to experience more positive emotions. Now not everyone is extroverted, but giving genuine compliments and being kind and considerate can't hurt.

6. They tackle problems
There's no point in worrying about things you can't change. Can you change something? Then do something about it and don't run away from your problems.