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Are probiotic tampons valid or not?

"Probiotics" as in yogurts?

Not really ! These are also bacteria that are beneficial to our body, but of different strains. The probiotics with which these tampons are soaked restore the vaginal flora.

When are they used?

In case of repeated urinary tract infections, imbalance of the vaginal flora (vaginosis), fungi (mycoses), certain sexually transmitted diseases. Because the good bacteria lining the wall of the vagina then see their number decrease, which can cause other infections...

They can replace a treatment?

No, they are mainly used for prevention, because the bacteria they contain strengthen the natural defenses of the vagina. In case of pain or itching, tampons can be added to a treatment prescribed by our gynecologist, after consultation to diagnose the cause (hormonal changes, allergy, virus, hygiene, chlorine, etc.).

How do you put them on?

They are used during menstruation, alternating with your usual periodic protections. The Iprad lab, which developed them, recommends three tampons a day, for at least three days, for 3 to 6 cycles. For minor irritation, one or two a day may suffice.

And they are expensive?

Florgynal tampons from Saforelle cost more than regular tampons. With applicator, count €9.45 for 9, “mini”, “normal” or “super”. Without applicator, the 12 "normal" are the same price. The complete range is only available in pharmacies.

Thank you to Dr Béatrice Guigues, vice-president of the National College of French Gynecologists and Obstetricians, and Dr Romain Guilherme, obstetrician-gynecologist.