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There are different types of sweat

One suffers more than the other. And is it your armpits that slosh in the gym, or can your socks go straight into the cooking wash after an hour of walking? A brief explanation of types of sweat.

It's always nice to learn something new about your body. Even if it concerns the less pleasant-smelling things. You previously read about wrong and right pooping with us. And all about dry and wet (hey, yuck) earwax. Now we're going to talk about sweat.

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Two types

Our body has two types of sweat glands. The apocrine and eccrine glands. In case of stress, it is the apocrine glands that kick in. You will find these mainly just under your armpits and in your groin. And when you sweat from exertion – yep, at the gym or while running, for example – it's the eccrine glands that are put to work. Incidentally, also with heat, fever and intense emotions, the eccrine glands cause sweat spots.


Now that that has been clarified, you naturally wonder whether anxiety sweats are indeed more clearly perceptible. So in terms of smell. The answer is (unfortunately?) yes. Apocrine sweat contains more 'nutrients'. This makes it more attractive to bacteria that can cause a sour odor. Eccrine sweat, on the other hand, consists of water and salt, which has a much less foul odor.

Sweating =knowing

Do you already have an idea in which category you sweat the most? Maybe you don't sweat that often after all. For people who want to tackle or prevent sweating:of course you make sure that you are clean, that you wear breathable fabrics and that you try to keep your stress levels under control. But what can also help is to use a little talcum powder (for example instead of regular deodorant) and drink less caffeine and alcohol and eat less spicy food.