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Anxiety and stress:this surprising gesture to do to get much better right away

Depression, sleep disorders, anxiety... there are many psychological effects of the pandemic and confinement on the French.

Confinement:1 in 5 French people in psychological distress

As of March 23, 2020, Public Health France launched the CoviPrev survey in the general population in order to monitor changes in behavior (barrier gestures, confinement, alcohol and tobacco consumption, diet and physical activity) and mental health (well-being, disorders). Results! 8 months and two confinements later, on November 12, 21% of the population has experienced or is experiencing a depressive episode. In other words, at the beginning of December, 1 in 5 French people feel bad, turn over and over again every night in their bed until they finally find nothing but exhaustion.

“The Covid-19 health crisis has revealed the psychological fragility of many French people.”

"We want to avoid a third wave, which would be a wave of mental health for young and old", warned the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, on November 18, during a visit to the premises of a listening platform in Paris. The day before, the Director General of Health, Jérôme Salomon, reported that the number of people suffering from a depressive state has doubled since the beginning of the fall . “The Covid-19 health crisis has revealed the psychological fragility of many French people. We thus observe a significant increase in depressive states. The number of people concerned doubled between the end of September and the beginning of November” he explained.

And then to talk about advice “to take care of yourself” , such as staying in touch, talking with those around you, helping those in need or even avoiding being connected to the news all day. He also recalled that a toll-free number, open 7/24, has been set up to help people in psychological distress:0 800 130 000.

Anxiety:these gestures to do to find peace

Among other methods to adopt when the anxiety is too strong, that of Sheri Heller, we thought it would be good to present to you. This New York psychotherapist suggests literally turning off stress. How? 'Or' What ? By dipping your hands in ice water or splashing it on your face. “The stimulation of the sensory system by cold water overrides the feelings of dissociation commonly associated with anxiety. Cortisol production increases, resulting in immediate relief » , she explains. During a panic attack, Nicole Richmond, another American therapist, advises contracting and relaxing certain muscles (clenching your fists) to feel directly positive effects on the mind. In the hope that these small harmless gestures will help you in your quest for well-being!