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Tuna salad:9 gourmet recipes inspired by Pinterest

In winter, we put everything on hot, comforting dishes. In summer, it's the complete opposite. We need freshness on the plate. We are also crazy for this reason of salads of all kinds, which we decline in abundance. In summer, our brain gets more creative so as not to get tired of simple green salads, which, let's face it, are not very nutritious . Even if it is hot, we need to eat properly. We therefore do not hesitate to include proteins in our salad or starchy foods . You know the pasta salad , of rice , potatoes or quinoa , and we love them all. But we often forget that tuna has nutritional superpowers.

Tuna salad:a great food to include on your plates!

Tuna is full of benefits and it is to be eaten without moderation . Very tasty, tuna is rich in phosphorus and vitamin D , which contribute to healthy bones and therefore to produce muscle mass , just like red meat . Tuna is the protein of the sea . But that's not all. It is alsorich in selenium, a trace element t antioxidant power. In short, tuna is all good and can be found in absolutely all your salads . We obviously think of the classic nicois salad e or with rice and tuna salad. But that's not all. Focus on this superfood.