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Lose weight:12 recipe ideas for slimming snacks to taste without hesitation

Being hungry from 11am at the office, it's commonplace at home ? We understand. Afternoon morning cravings are very difficult to control. So you redouble your efforts not to crack. You drink water, lots of water, you have four coffees in half an hour or so, you'll be smoking a cigarette. While you could be tempted by a small snack . Yes Yes. We grant you:eating between meals is not really an idea accepted by ordinary mortals who undertake diets. And yet, you just have to do it well.

Losing weight:snacks to lose weight, it's possible

Indeed, there are foods that make it possible to pass our little cravings (which are completely normal) while helping us in our weight loss process or just stabilization. Because yes, we remind you, eating well is not just about losing weight but simply a healthier lifestyle. And we will always prefer fruit to industrial cakes for a snack, diet or no diet. We have listed these star foods for you for a healthy and balanced diet. Slimming while eating and having fun? It's over here!