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Public toilets:sit (or not) on the seat?

When we pee in public toilets, we always feel a little disgusted to imagine all these people who have preceded us… We think of all these bacteria lying around… Result:we spend 10 minutes lining the lid with toilet paper (which each time falls into the bowl, anyway).

All this when the place would not be so dirty, and sitting directly on it does not cause any infection. In fact, "Bacteria in the toilet have a hard time getting in through your skin," says immunologist William DePaolo in a Buzzfeed video.

The skin acts as a barrier. The only real "risk" is rather not washing your hands afterwards, then later touching certain areas with dirty hands. Bacteria especially tend to thrive in moist places such as mucous membranes (which do not touch the bowl when you sit down).

Moreover, a roll of toilet paper contains much more bacteria than the toilet seat itself… Worse, our sponges could contain up to 200,000 times more. But ultimately, what contains even more are household objects, even clean ones. Not to mention the computer keyboards that can hold millions!

None of this will prevent us from continuing to cover the bowl with paper… but we will (at least) be more peaceful in our heads!

The video in English to watch here.