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5 equipment not to forget in the mountains

The high mountains do not forgive! Traps are frequent and many hikers, even the most seasoned, are sometimes surprised. Recently, the platoon of the high mountain gendarmerie of Oloron intervened twice to rescue lost hikers.

A man and two women in their 60s have been found on the ridges of Moulle de Jaüt. The Civil Security Dragon 64 helicopter was then able to bring them back to their departure area, at the Port of Castet. Same fight for a very poorly equipped hiker on the heights of Lescun. It was airlifted and rescued from a delicate position on a dangerous slope.

These two recent episodes make us realize that good mountain equipment is essential . Discover our selection of equipment to have with you when you go hiking .

1. A lamp

The lamp will be of no use to you during your hike, but it could save your life after dark. It is valuable if you get lost. The light can then be used to send a light signal to rescuers and the rescue helicopter.

2. Rain gear

Clothing is essential when hiking in the high mountains. It is recommended to have three layers of clothing for optimal protection .

  • The first layer is in direct contact with the skin and helps to wick away perspiration. Absolutely avoid cottons and opt for synthetic thermal clothing.
  • The second layer should be breathable, but should also retain warmth. Fleeces are best suited to meet this requirement.
  • Finally, the last layer must be waterproof and block you from the wind.

3. A waterproof bag

To keep your equipment sheltered from the wind and especially from the rain, choose a waterproof hiking bag. Used in nautical environments, these technical bags are particularly useful for protecting electronic devices and more fragile belongings (food, underwear, down, etc.) from water and humidity.

4. A first aid kit

High mountain hikes can be risky. Cuts and minor sores happen much more often than you think.
A medicine kit is essential in hiker's equipment . This medicine kit must contain, among other things:conventional and anti-blister dressings, sterile compresses, a roll of adhesive plaster, disinfectant, a pair of scissors, an anti-venom kit, etc.
The medicine kit must also contain a survival blanket for extreme cases.

5. Food and water

A mountain hike cannot be envisaged without food and especially without water . Beyond your picnic, don't forget the essentials:

  • cereal bar
  • cookies
  • dried fruits
  • energizing gel
  • and others…

You should also remember to bring enough water to survive in case of big worries.

Here it is, thanks to Startin’ Sport, you can now go to the mountains in complete safety

To go further with a lighter step, don't forget to take a look at our Top 10 fun activities to do in the mountains, and don't forget to warm up well before going on a mountain hike. .