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Peppermint, a must-have in the medicine kit

Peppermint was used by the Romans in medicinal potions, and people at the time wore peppermint crowns to relieve migraines. Even today, in case of persistent headache and aspirin that does not work, applying peppermint essential oil to the temples immediately relieves, it is amazing!

And for good reason. Its active ingredients - flavonoids, menthol and tannins - have many properties:they are relaxing, antiseptic, sudorific, analgesic, expectorant and stomachic. Basically, it can be used to fight aerophagia, asthma, bronchitis, fatigue, flatulence, bad breath, headaches and migraines, colds, nausea.

How to use it?

In infusion. We make a cup after each meal with 10 grams of leaf in half a liter of sparkling water.

In essential oil (to be found in organic stores). For internal use:2 to 3 drops on a spoonful of honey. For external use:2 to 3 drops in massage on the area such as the temples or the cervical.

When you have motion sickness in the car or bus, put a drop on half a sugar to stop the heartache