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Men/women:not equal for medicine

In a report published at the end of June 2016, the Academy of Medicine highlights the fact that men and women are not equal in the face of the disease and must therefore be treated differently. Indeed, in France, medicine is one of the fields where few differences are made between the two sexes, when in other countries, it is "gendered".

A difference from the design

Genetic differentiation leads, from conception, to significant biological differences, particularly in terms of the size of the organs (they are smaller in women). And that's not all:the immune system of men and women is not the same, which explains why certain diseases do not appear at the same age, do not evolve in the same way (nor with the same severity) and that the response to drugs is different according to gender. Thus, certain pathologies affect women more, such as Alzheimer's or depression, while autism or brain tumors occur more in men.

Implementing gendered medicine

For the Academy of Medicine, the observation is simple:France is lagging behind, both in medicine and in research (because too few clinical studies include women). It therefore calls for a review of the principles of medicine in order to set up a gendered medicine. The goal:more precise diagnoses and above all treatments adapted to each patient (because we know that certain molecules that are effective on women are not effective on men, and vice versa). We really hope that these recommendations will be followed and that they will lead to better management of pathologies, for both women and men!