Not everyone is blessed with perfect skin. For many, pimples do not go away after adolescence. Yes, millions of adults around the world are still affected by acne. And despite creams and treatments, getting rid of these blemishes is not a simple thing. No matter how hard we try, the pimples resist and persist. But fortunately, American scientists have finally found the solution to free themselves from acne:a vaccine.
Researchers at the University of California, San Diego are working on a vaccine capable of stopping acne, as reported by the site , who interviewed Eric C. Huang, head of research. “Acne is partly caused by the bacterium P.acnes which we all carry with us all our lives, but it was impossible to create a vaccine against this bacterium because for certain things it is good for us. But we found an antibody that could fight against a protein secreted by P.acnes, a protein associated with inflammation that causes acne,” he explained. Very good news, especially when you know that in the United States, nearly 50 million people are affected by acne, from a simple pimple to more serious cases. In France, according to the site Dermato info , about 15 million people would suffer from it. If adolescents are obviously the most affected, adults would not be left out. In France, 20% of adult women fight against acne. And that number is growing every year, as expert Joshua Zeichner told .
Of course, before it can be approved and marketed, this vaccine must be clinically tested on patients, which should take at least 2 years. In any case, we hope that these tests will be conclusive, and that we will finally be able to get rid of those damn pimples!