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Alcohol:do not exceed two glasses a day

No more three glasses of alcohol a day, now you should not drink more than two. In any case, these are the new recommendations recommended by experts from Public Health France and the National Cancer Institute. In a report published Thursday, May 4, 2017, it is stated to "consume no more than ten standard drinks per week and no more than two drinks per day" to maintain good health.

Two days of abstinence per week

In addition to this reduction, scientists also point out that it is important not to drink every day, because what is dangerous is not alcohol abuse but its daily consumption. Two days of abstinence per week would therefore be ideal. Be careful though, these new recommendations do not reduce the dangers associated with the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Scientists insist that even by following these recommendations, moderate drinkers put their health at risk (the risk is only lower)! We remind you that with an average consumption of 2.6 glasses of alcohol per day, France remains among the countries that consume the most alcohol in the world.

If you want to take stock of your alcohol consumption, know that the INPES has put a practical guide online allowing you to find out about the consumption of alcoholic beverages with a series of tests and advice. It can always be useful...