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Children:tablets and smartphones could be the cause of language delays

Sleep disorders, eye fatigue, obesity… Too much screen consumption (smartphones, tablets, computers) by children presents many risks. And a new problem has just been raised by Canadian scientists who have proven that exposure to screens can cause significant delays in language development, particularly in children under the age of three.

Passivity in the face of screens in question

This study was based on the case of 894 children, aged six months to two years. Parents had to declare how much time their little ones spent on their electronic device each day. The finding was clear:20% of children use a portable device for an average of 28 minutes. However, the researchers found that the more time a child spent in front of a screen, the more likely they were to develop language delays. For every half hour spent on a smartphone or tablet, the risk increases by 49%! This is the first time that a link between the time spent in front of these devices and the age at which toddlers learn to speak has been established. The passivity of children in front of screens would be the cause of these language disorders. Indeed, before the age of two, the use of consoles and other tablets does not stimulate the child even when it comes to so-called educational applications. Scientists strongly recommend avoiding exposure to any type of screen for children under 18 months and for older children, parents must set an example by limiting their own screen consumption and imposing fixed hours at their children.

We have been warned!