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Covid-19:the epidemic could end soon according to the WHO (and that's good news!)

It feels like Covid-19 is part of our family. For 2 years now, this virus has invaded our daily lives, and we have the vague feeling that it will never leave us. With each discovery of a new variant, only one question burns our lips:when will this epidemic end ? According to the optimism of the World Health Organization , it may be very soon. Although the indicators are currently red and the number of cases is starting to explode again due to the spread of the Omicron variant, Maria Van Kerkhove, technical manager for the fight against this pandemic within the WHO is rather reassuring.

So when is the end of Covid?

It was last December, during a conference, that she suggested that a way out of the crisis was possible for 2022. Unlikely, isn't it? "We can stem the mortality of Covid-19 and we can also reduce the spread" , she said, before adding: 2022 is the year we can end the Covid-19 pandemic. We have tools today that make it possible to contain the dangerousness of the disease. We can reduce morbidity, hospitalizations, serious forms, those who are in intensive care those who die “, she explained.

Information to take with a grain of salt

Although this announcement puts some balm in our hearts, it remains to be taken with a grain of salt. Maria Van Kerkhove be categorical:while new variants will most certainly continue to appear, "we have tools now » she assures. Clearly, nothing says that the virus will completely leave our lives, but rather that we should manage to live with it.