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Drinking a can of soda is like eating 10 teaspoons of sugar.

A little bit of heat, we sit on the terrace and we are tempted to order a cold Schweppes to cool off. Or, we sit in front of Netflix, with a pizza accompanied by a can of Coca-Cola. However, there is nothing worse for our health and for our diet than sodas, we know it, we see it written everywhere and yet we still continue to be tempted. So to make us react, the site Pop Sugar (which has never lived up to its name so well!) has indicated in black and white the amount of sugar ingested when we drink a simple can of our favorite drinks. Something to disgust us right away and turn instead to a glass of water...

Sugar overdose with just one can

The American site has compared several brands of soda and it is the Pepsi which comes first with 41 grams of sugar contained in a can of 33 cl, the Coca-Cola is just behind with 39 grams, then come the Sprite and the 7 UP with 38 grams. The Fanta comes last with 28 grams (for once it's a good thing to be at the end of the ranking...). To really realize what it represents, you have to imagine that a teaspoon corresponds to about 4 grams of sugar. A can of Coke therefore corresponds to ingesting 10 teaspoons of sugar, i.e. a little less than 8 sugar cubes, in only 33 cl. And there, we imagine a glass filled with 8 sugar cubes and we take the measure of the quantity that it represents... Ouch! We know that too much sugar consumption promotes heart disease, diabetes problems but also memory problems. In short, nothing very good. In addition to the medical consequences, health organizations advise a woman not to consume more than 25 grams of sugar per day (36 grams for a man). Clearly, drinking a single can of soda already makes us far exceed the recommended threshold for the day, which means that we can no longer eat anything that contains sugar… which is almost impossible. The brands have thought of us and now offer mini-cans (generally 15 cl), but even with that, we are above the recommended limit... Well, in the end it may be better to reason and take a fruit juice, water or homemade iced tea, rather than ingesting 8 sugars at once!