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Health:vitamin B3 to avoid miscarriages?

Miscarriages are a subject that the medical profession takes very seriously but for which it is sometimes devoid of an answer. In any case, new information brings some hope:according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, vitamin B3, present in particular in meat and vegetables, would help to avoid the phenomenon. More specifically, the NAD molecule, which is found in this vitamin, is linked to the proper development of the fetus.

A discovery to be confirmed

Twelve years have passed since the beginning of the study and the scientists of the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute are unanimous:the NAD molecule would limit the risks of miscarriages and disability at birth. It would be enough to take vitamin B3 capsules to reduce these hazards during pregnancy. Yes Yes ! You read correctly ! In any case, in mice. For the moment, tests on humans are still to be expected… But this discovery is a real hope for all women who have experienced a miscarriage or not. So, we just have to fill our fridge with all these good things! Because beyond the presumed effect on the smooth running of pregnancy, these foods are good for the body. Let's eat!