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Healthy cooking:how to eat hypotoxic?

What is it?

A book that takes up the principles of the hypotoxic diet developed by Doctor Jean Seignalet, i.e. a diet that notably excludes dairy products of animal origin, gluten, sugars, salts and refined cereals, advocates the gentle cooking of food, organic products and the intake of good quality fats. The key is an increase in physical and mental performance, daily well-being (better digestion, reduction of allergies, etc.) and above all a reduction in the symptoms of many chronic diseases (eczema, arthritis, diabetes, ankylosing spondylitis, asthma, multiple sclerosis). in plates…).


Classified by season (spring/summer, autumn/winter), with menu ideas for the week and shopping list. Buckwheat with lemon, spinach and beef fondue; fillet of sea bream, squash risotto; avocado/salmon maki; eggplant tapioca with coconut… Healthy recipes, and above all tasty.

Why do we love?

For the clarity of the work, which succeeds in popularizing while being comprehensive the main principles described by Jean Seignalet in Food or Third Medicine. The author knows what he is talking about – and for good reason, as a former business manager, he managed to cure his diabetes in this way, and created a site to share his experience, As a result, his advice for sorting out his cupboards, adapting to the pitfalls of everyday life (shopping, meals at the restaurant, with the family, etc.) is precise and rings true.

The phrase to remember?

“Certain components of our food (gluten, casein, Maillard molecules, trans fatty acid) are poorly digested by the digestive system, with the consequence of making the intestinal wall hyperpermeable, and therefore allowing toxins to enter within body, which can trigger various chronic diseases. »

The book?

"I eat hypotoxic", by Damien Leretaille, Editions Eyrolles, €13.90.