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Low-fat diets can lead to premature death

Starting a diet involves following certain rules in order to stay healthy above all else. People who want to lose weight fast are opting for low-fat diets, yet these could have devastating health consequences, according to a recent large-scale study. The British medical journal The Lancet has indeed sounded the alarm:diets that include too little fat could increase the risk of premature death. Yes, this is very serious… Researchers studied the cases of 135,000 adults (living in 18 countries), and it turned out that those whose fat consumption was greatly reduced lived less long than people consuming fat. butter, cheese and meats. How is this explained? The study, relayed by The Independent , replies:followers of these diets tend to replace fat with products rich in carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta or rice. This amounts to missing out on important nutrients.

35% of calories must come from fatty products

The research, which was undertaken in Canada and presented at the European Society of Cardiology in Barcelona, ​​shows that high carbohydrate diets are among the most harmful. And the figures are indeed very telling:a low intake of saturated fat increases the risk of premature death by 13%, while regularly consuming all kinds of fat reduces the risk of premature death by 23%. Dr. Andrew Mente, who teaches at McMaster University in Ontario, explains that ideally 35% of the calories ingested should come from fatty products to maintain good health. He advises to “loosen the restriction on total fat and saturated fat” and “limit carbs” at the same time. Dr. Mahshid Dehghan, co-author of the study, points out that if 60% of all calories come from products rich in carbohydrates, the exposure to premature death is greater. The UK National Health Service (NHS) recommends men stick to 30g of saturated fat a day, and 20g for women. We remind you that too much consumption of saturated fats can contribute to an increase in cholesterol levels, which can promote heart disease. So we opt for the right dosage!