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Calories now displayed on menus in the United States

It is not a surprise ! Restaurant food is often high in calories. It doesn't matter if you order a 4 cheese pizza, a salad or a plate of pasta. Forget the calories and just savor the moment!

In the United States, it is now impossible to ignore this dreaded figure. Since May 7, all restaurants, cinemas and vending machines have been required to list the number of calories for each food or each dish.

A law that is part of the public health legislation, better known as Obamacare. Voted in 2010, its application has been rejected many times, in particular by this dear Donald Trump.

The goal ? Encourage Americans to eat healthier. You should know that every year 400,000 Americans die of obesity. Indeed, nearly 40% of them suffer from it. This novelty is therefore a blessing in disguise! It will influence the choice of customers, even slightly. When will the same thing happen in France?