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Smart nutrition, anyone?

Whether it is for your fitness goal with proteins and amino acids or your slimming challenge for which nu3 offers an innovative and global approach by modifying your eating habits to obtain long-term results and combat the yoyo effect, the brand has understood that a healthy mind in a healthy body requires ingesting all the nutrients well dosed for your body. And for lovers of natural and organic superfoods, know that you too will be delighted by the range of products on offer.

Why did we choose nu3 products?
Supported by a team of pharmacists and biologists, the brand also has strong commitments, which is also reflected in the quality of the products. Of course, nu3 makes a point of honor on the functional and efficient aspect of its products. But also, everything has been thought out to guarantee the healthiest possible approach. The majority of products are organic and there is even a good range of vegan, lactose-free or gluten-free products.

Another positive point:from the point of view of the composition of nu3 food supplements, in addition to displaying total transparency, the composition remains as pure as possible. Without bulking agent, without additives, without aromas or colorings, nu3 plays the natural card and we like that!

The dosage has also been carefully considered. Unlike some products that go overboard by adding a whole bunch of ingredients, nu3 keeps in mind that the body needs a certain specific intake, no more, no less. This is why the products are all optimally dosed so that the dose your body needs is respected every day. And the bioavailability of the products is maximum to guarantee optimal absorption of the food supplements by your body.

And the good surprise is that on the taste side, the bet is successful! You can take care of yourself while pleasing your taste buds.

Which food supplements to choose for the arrival of winter?
We have found the best food supplements for you to get through winter with complete peace of mind. In this cold period where the light is not there, the body is much more stressed than in summer. Weakened, it may have vitamin deficiencies.

And to prepare for it and feel good, a small course of nu3 Premium Vegan Essential Vitamins is a great solution. In capsule form, this multivitamin formula contains seven carefully selected and combined micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and trace elements). Above all, it is the ideal food supplement if you are vegan, or if you simply want to reduce your meat consumption, because it does not contain any animal traces or lactose and gives you all the benefits you could miss. Knowing that vitamin B12 is mainly present in products of animal origin, the question legitimately arises for vegetarians and vegans. Rich in calcium for your bones and teeth, selenium to fight oxidative stress, vitamin B2 to boost your energy, vitamin B12 to protect your nervous system, vitamin D for your muscles and zinc for your immune system, c is your number 1 health ally for the winter if you are vegan or vegetarian.

Another product to test, the Turmeric Forte Premium capsules, ideal for strengthening your immune system, making you feel less weak and tired. Thanks to this formula based on curcumin and a vegetable active ingredient to guarantee its maximum absorption, this product has a bioavailability 185 times higher than native curcumin. Because they contain vitamin B and D, these food supplements are perfect if you are prone to digestive disorders or systemic inflammatory conditions. And as a bonus, turmeric will also do your skin good, as it is a powerful anti-oxidant.

What about sportswomen?
You'll love the nu3 Fit Shake Protein Shake. It is an innovative dietary supplement because in addition to having a considerable protein intake, it is low in sugar (only 1g of sugar per serving) and is very rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Green tea extract activates fat metabolism and collagen helps rebuild the cells of your skin, put to the test by your workouts. It's a bit like the 2.0 protein shake that adapts perfectly to your daily life, for your meals or your gourmet moments.

Available in vanilla, strawberry or chocolate – and soon in iced coffee flavor – this shake will become your best friend.

More than food supplements, a real health partner
This nutrition expert is also a superb source of information, advice and great recipes. We strongly invite you to take a look at their online magazine nu3Kitchen to find a whole bunch of nu3 recipes whatever your tastes and diets. With more than 70,000 followers on instagram, it is the brand to follow closely this year. Moreover, we have heard that the products will soon be available in stores in addition to being able to find them on the online store!

Good deal:Get 15% off all nu3 brand products with no minimum purchase with the promo code BIBANU3 valid until 31.01.19.