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Breast implant removal:everything you need to know

Breast Implant Removal:Why?

In recent years, the removal of breast implants has been increasingly requested. There may be different reasons for this request. The state of health is one of the reasons for requesting explantation. Indeed, cases of complications after breast surgery can occur, even after several years. Chest pain may be felt. These are notably due to a contraction or calcification of the fibrous capsule. An abnormal hardening of the breasts is then observed. Rapid intervention is therefore necessary to relieve the patient.

The removal of breast implants is also necessary to reduce the risk of rupture or leakage increasing over time. Thus, replacement of prostheses becomes necessary after a few years (about eight years for saline implants, between ten and fifteen years for silicone gel versions).

Aesthetic motivations can also be at the origin of a request for the removal of breast implants. In addition to the pain caused, the formation of shells (stage 4) can also lead to a change in the shape of breasts which are generally distended. After explantation, the breasts retract and return to their original shape.

The removal of breast implants is a reversible procedure. The placement of new breast implants remains possible, even after the operation. Doctor Thierry Ktorza, plastic surgeon, points out that “The removal of breast implants is an intervention that raises many questions for patients wishing to remove them permanently. The results are excellent, which underlines the remarkable reversibility of breast augmentation with implants. – Doctor Thierry Ktorza, Plastic Surgeon, Paris

It should be noted that, apart from reasons relating to health and aesthetics, the fear of cancer linked to breast implants is also one of the frequent reasons for requesting withdrawal.

How is breast implant removal done?

Before performing breast implant removal, the doctor usually schedules an interview with the patient. During this preoperative visit, the surgeon ensures that it is perfectly decided. The patient thus explains to the doctor the reasons for her request so that he can know whether they are justified or not. All the information relating to the intervention, in particular the estimate and the informed consent, are given to the patient during this interview. If, after a period of reflection, the patient decides to embark on the removal of breast implants, the operation can be carried out.

A benign operation, the removal of breast prostheses takes place on an outpatient basis. Thus, the patient is hospitalized in the morning and discharged in the evening. Depending on his wishes, the intervention is carried out under local or general anesthesia. To perform the operation, the surgeon goes through the same scar formed during the placement of breast implants. The procedure lasts between thirty and forty-five minutes. In case of breast ptosis, breast remodeling can also be performed. It should be noted that, although a growing number of women are requesting the removal of their breast implants, the appeal of this type of surgery is not decreasing.

What happens after breast implant removal?

The removal of breast implants is a painless procedure. Care after the operation is relatively simple. Also, the recovery time takes place in one or two days. Some patients can resume their professional activities the day after the operation. In addition, after about two weeks, it is possible to resume sports activities. Many people considering having their breast implants removed are still hesitant due to fear about the final appearance of their breasts. Indeed, they wonder if the breasts empty or fall after the operation. It should be noted that the retraction of the box where the prosthesis was located prevents the breasts from emptying and falling. Conversely, this phenomenon allows the breasts to rise and regain their initial shape.

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