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Recipe for Lyonnaise waffles like my grandmother

Recipe for Lyonnaise waffles like my grandmother

The waffle is a delicacy that refers, in everyone's childhood memories, to the carnival, the village or school fair, and sometimes to snacks at grandma's when the occasion deserved her to to make this pastry that cannot be separated from the party! Not only does it require bringing out a specific device such as an electric waffle maker which has replaced the waffle iron, but what's more fun than blowing up a cloud of white powder giggling while biting into a waffle sprinkled with icing sugar?!

  • Number of waffles:15 to 20
  • Preparation:15 mins
  • Complexity:easy

Lyonnaise waffle batter ingredients

There are many kinds of waffles associated with cities or countries, such as the Dunkirk waffle (round, thin and crunchy), the Liège waffle or sugar waffle (oval, with cinnamon), the Lille filled waffle or waffle du Nord (thin, oval, filled with a sweet buttery preparation, flavored with vanilla), the Dutch waffle or stroopwafel (round, thin, filled with caramel), the Belgian waffle or Brussels waffle that conquered New York in the 1960s as the Belgian waffle , and which is none other than the light and crispy Lyonnaise waffle…

Among the large number of Lyon waffle batter recipes, you will find that the basic ingredients are essentially the same, but the proportions and the knack will change everything to make them tasty...provided you have a waffle iron!

  • 250g of T65 flour
  • 75g butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 25g caster sugar
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • about 35 cl of milk
  • flavor of your choice:1 vanilla pod to extract its seeds, 1 tablespoon of orange blossom water or rum, 1 organic lemon or orange zest...

Preparation of Lyonnaise waffles

Melt the butter in a bain-marie or in the microwave according to your habits.

Place the flour in a bowl and form a well in order to add the sugar, the salt, the chosen flavor (orange blossom water, rum, vanilla, etc.).

Stir in the egg yolks, keeping the whites in another bowl. Mix.

Dilute with the poured milk gradually. Whisk the dough thus obtained well and let it rest, if possible, for 1 hour.

Just before you start baking the waffles, beat the egg whites with an electric whisk before gently incorporating them into the batter.

Cook in the waffle iron, according to the temperature and time indications specific to each device, but the waffles must come out blond, soft and crispy without being dry.

Your "waffle stand" will delight your grandchildren who can sprinkle the waffles with icing sugar or spread jam, honey, spread, melted chocolate, whipped cream... Guaranteed success!