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Rabbit recipe with homemade mustard like my grandmother

Rabbit recipe with homemade mustard like my grandmother

Rabbit is not a commonly cooked meat for several reasons:it is much less easy to find in shops than chicken, for example, because raising rabbits is much more complicated to carry out due to diseases such as myxomatosis who can decimate a farm in no time; moreover, some countries do not have this culture of consuming rabbit meat. Rarer, therefore more expensive, rabbit meat is not among the most accessible to all households. This is all the more true since to cook a good rabbit, it is better to opt for a free-range rabbit, preferably organic, obviously more expensive, than an intensively farmed rabbit.

Rabbit meat is however particularly interesting from a nutritional point of view since it is a low-calorie, lean white meat, providing good fat (saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids) capable of lowering the rate of of cholesterol. Consumption of rabbit meat is also a source of phosphorus, iron (anti-anaemic), zinc, copper, selenium and B vitamins.

  • Preparation:20 min
  • Cooking:1 hour
  • Complexity:easy

Ingredients for rabbit with mustard

Rabbit meat has a fine and delicate taste provided it is chosen carefully at the time of purchase. Opt for a free-range rabbit purchased directly from an organic producer on the market or from your butcher. His look should not be too fat and his weight will probably be around 1.3 to 1.5 kg. Ask for it to be cut into pieces, especially if you've never cut a rabbit before:accept the head or not according to your habits and tastes. Kidneys and liver can also be eaten and the poultryman will hide them from you inside the ribs.

Here is the recipe for rabbit with mustard, both simple and delicious, for lovers of flavors of yesteryear not found in the canteen!

  • 1 organic or free-range rabbit weighing 1.5 kg, cut into pieces
  • 1 onion
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 3 heaping tablespoons strong mustard
  • 2 glasses of dry white wine
  • 40g flour
  • 1 vegetable or chicken stock cube
  • bay leaf, rosemary, thyme, salt, pepper
  • 25cl liquid cream
  • 250g button mushrooms
  • olive or sunflower oil

Preparation of rabbit with mustard

Brush each piece of rabbit with the mustard, on all sides, except the liver which you will isolate. Chop the onion into small pieces.

In a cast iron casserole dish, pour a little oil and brown the pieces of rabbit with the onion. Do not allow meat mustard to brown; if so, remove the pieces so that the onion melts well, then put them back.

Sprinkle with the flour, mix and pour the white wine as well as 2 glasses of hot water in which you have dissolved the stock cube.

Add the crushed or finely chopped garlic and the herbs, salt and pepper. Cover and simmer over low heat for 45 minutes.

During this time, remove the earthy stem from the mushrooms, wash them and cut them into 4 before immediately adding them to the pan. The liver, which cooks very quickly, can then be incorporated. Let the cooking continue for another 15 minutes.

Before serving, you will add the fresh cream which will make a creamy and gourmet sauce, ideal to pair with boiled potatoes, tagliatelle or mashed sweet potato or parsnip. Finely chopped parsley on each plate served will complete the presentation...of a "bourgeois cuisine" recipe that is easy to make, delicious and full of nostalgia!