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To feel good

Have you let your healthy resolutions slip? Pick them up again with our 5 tips, so that you can wear your new summer clothes with confidence.

Start small
Healthier living doesn't have to be drastic. Drink an extra glass of water, have a healthier lunch or do some extra sport.

Start today
Don't say you'll start tomorrow. There is no better time to start than today.

Plan your workouts
See your training sessions as agreements. Record them in advance, write it in your diary. You can train with someone else for an extra big stick.

Get healthy groceries at home
It is easy to resolve to have a healthier lunch. However, keeping it up becomes more difficult if you don't have a healthy ingredient in your fridge. So make sure you have enough healthy groceries. Also read:making a weekly menu

Don't feel guilty if you go wrong
You have eaten half a carton of cookies. Hopefully they tasted good. Don't dwell on it too long, eat an extra healthy lunch, bang during your next workout and most of all don't feel guilty. The one thing you achieve with guilt? A downward spiral and you don't want that.