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If it fits your macros

Eat what you want and still lose weight? It's possible! At least, that's what the creators of the 'diet' say If it fits your Marcos (IIFYM). Santé found out whether it really is as good as it sounds.

Imagine if you could just eat that chocolate bar or that bowl of nuts every day without gaining weight, you might even lose weight. With If it fits your macros (IIFYM) you could. IIFYM literally means:if it fits within your macronutrients, in other words:if it fits within the amounts you need in a day, you can eat whatever you want.

Align with your needs Macronutrients include carbohydrates, proteins and fats. IIFYM is therefore a way of eating in which you adjust your carbohydrate, protein and fat needs to the amounts you need. Do you want to lose fat? Then you calculate how much proteins, fats and carbohydrates you need;
for example, 50 grams of fat, 75 grams of protein and 200 grams of carbohydrates. You can then decide for yourself where you get those nutrients from. So you don't have to do this by eating only rice with chicken and broccoli. At IIFYM it's all about eating what you like, based on the macros you need.

Want to know more about IIYM? From page 44 in Santé you can read more about it, including all the pros and cons, and discover how to calculate your macros.