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6 Post-Workout Eating Pitfalls You're Probably Falling Into

So, you've just exercised:time to eat! But what is the smartest thing to eat after a workout? There are a number of post-workout eating pitfalls that you probably fall into more often that can seriously thwart your fit plans… Read more?

Read also :'10 myths about losing weight that you should definitely not believe'

1. You eat a lot of proteins

A common thought is that you should eat a lot of protein after a workout to reap the maximum benefits. Now it is of course important that you get enough protein in one day as an athlete, but as long as your daily diet contains enough protein - think about 30 grams per meal - it is not necessary to rush into protein-rich products immediately after a workout. /P>

2. You drink alcohol

It is of course very tempting to open a bottle of wine after an evening workout and enjoy your post-workout rush. But drinking a few glasses of wine after exercise can just affect your muscles' ability to repair and rebuild themselves. So better skip that wine!

3. You eat too much

We often have a tendency to tell ourselves that we can eat whatever we want because we exercised, even on the days after we exercised. But in the end, what you eat has as much, if not more, effect on your body than how much you exercise. Sure, it doesn't hurt to let yourself go every now and then, but don't let the fact that you've done a workout encourage you to eat more or eat less healthily. Otherwise you will do it for nothing, and that is such a shame…

4. You don't eat carbohydrates

After an hour of high-intensity exercise – such as running or swimming – your muscles need a lot of glycogen to recover and strengthen. It is therefore not wise not to eat carbohydrates after exercise. Of course, that doesn't mean you should only eat half a loaf of bread; take a look at healthy carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables, beans and multigrain products. These contain a lot of glycogen and can therefore help you recover. As a guideline, stick to a gram of healthy carbohydrates per kilo of body weight within an hour after exercise, that should help!

5. You are not drinking enough water

Many people underestimate the amount of water they sweat out during exercise. Even a light workout where you don't feel like you've sweated can lead to mild dehydration. Weigh yourself before and after your workout. For every half a kilo of body weight you lose, you want to drink about the same amount of water – half a kilo equals just under half a liter of water.

6. You don't plan ahead

If you've been working out hard, you'll probably get a big appetite afterwards. And let that just be the worst time to decide what to eat. When we are hungry, our brains tend to want energy-rich, high-calorie food, which makes us eat unhealthy more quickly. So make sure you think about what you're going to eat before exercising to avoid falling into this well-known pitfall.