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Taking a bath:the 6 unsuspected health benefits

Today, the hustle and bustle frenzy day to day doesn't leave us time to think about ourselves. And to take care of us. The time when we left each other in a bath hot to daydream, to think of nothing except his well-being is a long way off. A moment during which time is as if suspended. During which we find ourselves alone with ourselves. This millennial practice which developed from antiquity among the Greeks and among the Romans is a real ritual of beauty which has continued to evolve. Unfortunately, today, the quick passage to the shower has imposed itself in our daily life at the expense of precious time to relax in a tub. With busy days, we are less and less willing to take time to immerse our body in a tub of warm, soapy water. The question of sufficient space in an apartment to have a bathtub also arises. However, taking a bath has several health benefits. And not least.

The bath:an age-old practice

Obviously, it is not advisable to take baths for an ecological question. But treat yourself to luxury one bath per week is highly recommended. On the one hand for your brain . Indeed, a hot bath stimulates the production of serotonin , which plays an important role in regulating your mood and your overall brain health. A bath before going to bed will be very beneficial for you to relax and fall asleep peacefully . Which brings us to the second benefit:you will benefit from better sleep not only because your brain will have received everything he needs to be soothed but also because thanks to the bath, the temperature your body will be sufficiently cooled when you get out of the bath. A process that will allow the production and release of melatonin . But these are not the only beneficial effects of the bath. Here's everything you need to know about the benefits of soaking in a bathtub. You're going to want to take a nice hot bath tonight!