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Health:the benefits of lemon water in the morning

Surely you have already heard of this grandmother's trick of drinking lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach. It's not always easy to swallow the acid mixture as soon as you wake up, we grant you that, but the five benefits of this simple and quick good habit should make you change your mind. Come on, a little effort:we squeeze half a fresh lemon in a glass of cold or warm water, we hold our noses if necessary, and we let the virtues of the citrus fruit act on our body.

1) Strengthen your immune system

The drink supports the lymphatic system, which serves to detoxify the body by ridding it of unwanted waste and works upstream of the immune system. Lemon contributes to the reconstruction of the latter, in particular thanks to its rich components:vitamins B and C, magnesium, calcium, antioxidants, potassium and proteins... which actively fight against infections, respiratory ailments and asthma, while controlling blood pressure.

2) Have beautiful skin

Antioxidants in lemon, which renew dead skin cells, not only help disinfect and heal the skin, but also metabolize acid temperature in the body, which prevents the formation of acne.

3) Lose weight

It is the natural slimming asset par excellence. Lemon water regulates blood sugar levels, dissolves and eliminates fats. The pectin, contained in the citrus fruit, would have the ability to suppress small appetites. Lemon is therefore particularly recommended for diets and food rebalancing.

4) Improve digestion

Citric acid acts in favor of the digestive system and eliminates cramps and pains. Lemon stimulates the enzymes of the liver and pancreas, which thus protect the stomach lining. It balances pH levels, which notably protects against gastro and colitis and helps prevent constipation (it's the glam' moment…).

5) Have energy

It's a story of ions:the lemon is loaded with negative ions which, once in contact with the digestive tract, give energy to the body. Mixed with water, it helps to refresh the blood, and the vitamin C it contains reboosts the body and activates a good mood. Its smell would help reduce anxiety and feelings of depression and fatigue. Just that!

In short, if we were skeptical, here are good reasons to start the day with a glass of lemon water. An inexpensive habit that only takes a minute… Shall we start tomorrow?