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Covid-19:getting tested in a tent could be risky

After two years of pandemic , some habits have become completely normal. Wear a mask everywhere, never forget your hydroalcoholic gel , but above all get tested often. In case of contact with a positive person , in case of symptoms or even before an event bringing together a lot of people. Appointment in the laboratory for a PCR test, purchase self-test , go to a pharmacy for an antigen test or to barnums dedicated to testing. And if we now know all the steps to follow to protect others and protect ourselves, the discoveries concerning this virus are hardly deamplifying. Last I heard, getting tested under a barnum could be a risky exercise .

For a reliable result, we prefer indoor tests

A survey carried out by Le Parisien highlighted the importance of location screening and temperature of this one. Indeed, if we now know that antigenic tests and that self-tests are less reliable than a PCR test, we would not have thought that the place in which one is tested would play a major role in the result obtained. If you were positive one day and negative the next, then that could be an explanation . In France, at the moment, the temperatures are very low. And it may well be that this data changes the result of your screening test. .

For its part, the General Directorate of Health had already warned about two important aspects for the conservation swabs. These need to be stored in a place oscillating between 2 and 30 degrees and must not remain in a place where the temperature is less than 8 degrees.“If the tests have been frozen, this completely degrades the silica matrix" explains Gilles Bonnefond, spokesperson for the Union of Community Pharmacists (USPO) to our colleagues from Paris. When you get tested in a barnum , the risk that your test stays in the cold before being analyzed warm is great. Results ? When tests are left too long under temperature too low, they can generate a series of false positive tests.