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Cold soups:these gourmet and refreshing gazpachos recipes, perfect for summer!

With the return of sunny days and rising temperatures, we enjoy a cold soup . This dish is super easy to make and fills up with vitamins. We prepare gazpacho soups, based on tomatoes, peppers or carrots, which offer us an antioxidant bomb, but also velvety-style soups , with green vegetables such as asparagus, zucchini, spinach and avocado. During the summer, cold soups synthesize melanin, which stimulates tanning. From then on, enjoy a soupefroide , it's enjoying a tanned complexion all summer long!

Cold soup:how to prepare homemade gazpacho?

To make a gourmet cold soup , we follow the recipes of Julien Ponceblanc, the creator of GreenShoot . In his book Diary of a Soup Lover , it reveals gourmet and easy-to-prepare ideas for cooking gazpachos and super original cold soups. Melon, banana and star anise gazpacho, cold cucumber, coconut milk and lime soup, summer gazpacho with carrots, tomatoes, apricots and pink radishes or even yellow tomato gazpacho, discover these recipe ideas.